Do You Need to Use Toilet Paper With a Bidet? 

Welcome to the world of bidets, a revolutionary bathroom fixture that’s been making waves in the world of hygiene and environmental consciousness. In this article, we’ll explore the essential question: Do you need to use toilet paper with a bidet? Bidets, often associated with enhanced cleanliness and eco-friendliness, have gained popularity for good reason. They offer a superior alternative to traditional toilet paper, reducing the spread of germs and environmental impact.

Bidets, once a rarity outside of Europe, are now entering bathrooms worldwide. Our journey begins by explaining what bidets are and their rising popularity. As we explore the nuances of this topic, we’ll emphasize the importance of hygiene, the cornerstone of bidet use. This article provides valuable insights into why bidets might be the upgrade your bathroom routine needs. So, let’s dive into the bidet world and discover if it’s time to bid farewell to toilet paper.

Bidets vs. Toilet Paper

Regarding personal hygiene in the bathroom, the age-old debate between bidets and toilet paper continues to divide opinions. Let’s explore the pros and cons of each so you can make an informed choice for your bathroom routine.

Comparison of Bidets and Toilet Paper

Bidets are innovative fixtures designed to clean your posterior with a gentle stream of water, offering a more thorough and effective cleansing than traditional toilet paper. While toilet paper serves its purpose in wiping away waste, it often leaves behind residual matter. On the other hand, bidets use water to ensure a cleaner, fresher feeling.

Advantages of Using Bidets

  1. Hygiene: Bidets excel in maintaining superior hygiene. They reduce the risk of leaving behind fecal matter, a common occurrence with toilet paper.
  2. Reduction of Germs and Bacteria: Bidets help minimize germs and bacteria spread on your skin, reducing the chances of infections.
  3. Improvement of Skin Health: The gentle cleansing of bidets can benefit individuals with sensitive skin or those prone to conditions like hemorrhoids and anal fissures.

C. Disadvantages of Using Toilet Paper

  1. Residual Matter: Toilet paper may leave behind fecal matter, leading to discomfort and potential hygiene issues.
  2. Environmental Impact: The production of toilet paper contributes to deforestation, uses chemicals and energy, and results in pollution due to disposal.

In the bidet vs. toilet paper debate, it’s evident that bidets offer distinct advantages regarding hygiene and environmental impact. However, personal preferences and circumstances also play a role in the choices you make.

Health Benefits of Bidets

Bidets offer superior cleanliness and many health benefits that can positively impact your well-being. This section will explore how bidets contribute to better hygiene and health.

The Bidet’s Impact on Health

Bidets provide a thorough and gentle cleansing experience, which translates into several health advantages:

Reducing Germs and Bacteria

One of the primary health benefits of bidets is the significant reduction in germs and bacteria. When relying solely on toilet paper, there’s a greater chance of fecal matter residue, leading to the proliferation of harmful microorganisms and a heightened risk of infections.

Bidets, however, employ a controlled stream of water to remove bacteria and minimize contamination risk effectively. For individuals with specific health concerns like hemorrhoids or anal fissures, bidets offer welcome relief by preventing irritation and infection.

Infection Prevention

Proper hygiene in the perianal area is crucial for infection prevention, and bidets play a vital role in achieving this goal. By eliminating potentially harmful microorganisms, bidets help you avoid uncomfortable and sometimes severe conditions.

Enhanced Skin Health

Bidets are gentle on the skin, making them an excellent choice for individuals with sensitive skin. Traditional toilet paper, especially when used rigorously, can lead to skin irritation and discomfort. Bidets provide a soothing and thorough cleanse, reducing the risk of skin issues.

The health benefits of bidets extend far beyond mere cleanliness. They contribute to a healthier and more comfortable bathroom experience while reducing the risk of infections and skin problems.

Environmental Impact of Toilet Paper

While toilet paper is a bathroom staple, its use comes with a significant environmental cost. In this section, we’ll examine the environmental impact of toilet paper production and disposal, shedding light on why it might be time to consider more eco-friendly alternatives like bidets.

Understanding the Environmental Impact

The production and use of toilet paper have far-reaching environmental consequences, including:

Deforestation and Loss of Trees

  1. Deforestation: The environmental impact of toilet paper begins with the destruction of forests. Countless trees are felled yearly to meet the global demand for this everyday item. This contributes to deforestation, which, in turn, threatens ecosystems and biodiversity.

Chemicals and Energy Used in Production

  1. Chemicals: Toilet paper production involves using various chemicals in bleaching and softening processes. These chemicals can adversely affect waterways and aquatic life when not adequately managed.
  2. Energy Consumption: Toilet paper manufacturing is energy-intensive, requiring significant electricity and other resources. This adds to the overall environmental impact.

Pollution Caused by Disposal

  1. Pollution: Toilet paper is flushed away after use, but this doesn’t mean it disappears. The breakdown process in wastewater treatment facilities can release pollutants into the environment, contributing to pollution.

The environmental impact of toilet paper must be considered. The relentless demand for this product drives deforestation, pollution, and excessive resource consumption. In the next section, we’ll explore how bidets can serve as a more sustainable and eco-friendly alternative to conventional toilet paper.

V. Proper Use of Bidets

To fully appreciate the benefits of bidets, it’s essential to understand their proper usage. This section will explain how to use bidets effectively, ensuring optimal hygiene and cleanliness.

A. Explanation of Proper Use

Using a bidet is a straightforward process, but it’s essential to follow these steps for the best results:

B. Step-by-Step Guide on How to Use Bidets

  1. Preparation: After finishing your business on the toilet, remain seated. You’ll notice the bidet attachment or stand-alone bidet nearby.
  2. Adjust Water Temperature: Adjust the water temperature using the bidet’s controls depending on your comfort. Make sure it’s comfortably warm.
  3. Positioning: Move slightly on the toilet seat to position yourself correctly over the bidet stream.
  4. Activate the Bidet: Use the bidet controls to activate the water stream. Start with a gentle flow, increasing the pressure if needed.
  5. Cleaning: Allow the water to cleanse the area thoroughly. You can also use your hand to help guide the water for precise cleaning.
  6. Drying: After cleaning, you can either use a small amount of toilet paper for drying or rely on the air-drying feature if your bidet has one.

Tips for Optimal Cleaning

  • Control Pressure: Adjust the water pressure to your comfort level. Higher pressure may be more effective for cleaning, but staying within what feels comfortable is crucial.
  • Thoroughness: Take your time to ensure thorough cleaning. Moving slightly during the process can help reach all areas.
  • Hand Hygiene: If using your hands for guidance, ensure your hands are clean, and remember to wash them thoroughly afterward.

Following these steps and tips, you can maximize your bidet, enjoying superior hygiene and cleanliness. Next, we’ll address the critical question: do you still need toilet paper with a bidet?

Do You Still Need Toilet Paper with a Bidet?

Now that we’ve explored the merits of bidets, you might wonder if toilet paper is still necessary when you have a bidet. In this section, we’ll address this question and provide insights into the role of toilet paper in a bidet-equipped bathroom.

Explanation of the Need for Toilet Paper

While bidets offer excellent cleaning, there are a few reasons why toilet paper is still relevant:

Use of Toilet Paper for Drying

  1. Drying: After using a bidet, you’ll need a method to dry off. This is where toilet paper comes into play. It’s commonly used to pat dry the cleaned area after bidet use.
  2. Comfort: Many individuals find the combination of bidet cleaning and gentle drying with toilet paper comfortable and practical.

Alternatives to Toilet Paper

  1. Bidet Features: Some advanced bidet models have air-drying features. If your bidet has this option, it can reduce the need for toilet paper.
  2. Reusable Cloth: Reusable cloth wipes are an eco-friendly alternative. These can be washed and reused, reducing waste.
  3. Personal Preferences: Whether you need toilet paper with a bidet depends on personal preferences and comfort levels.

While toilet paper remains a part of the bathroom routine for many bidet users, its usage is primarily for drying. The good news is that bidets can significantly reduce the amount of toilet paper you need, contributing to a more environmentally friendly approach to personal hygiene.

Bidet Attachment vs. Stand-Alone Bidet

When considering a bidet for your bathroom, you’ll encounter two primary options: bidet attachments and stand-alone bidets. In this section, we’ll compare the two and discuss their advantages and disadvantages, helping you make an informed choice.

Comparison of Attachment and Stand-Alone Bidets

Bidet Attachments:

  • Installation: Bidet attachments are relatively easy to install and can be added to your existing toilet seat without significant modifications.
  • Cost-Effective: They are usually more budget-friendly than stand-alone bidets, making them cost-effective.
  • Space-Saving: Bidet attachments take up minimal space in your bathroom, making them suitable for smaller bathrooms.

Stand-Alone Bidets:

  • Dedicated Fixture: Stand-alone bidets are separate fixtures, often placed next to the toilet. They require more significant bathroom space and are typically installed during remodeling.
  • Comprehensive Cleaning: Stand-alone bidets often offer more features, such as adjustable water temperature and pressure, providing a comprehensive cleaning experience.
  • Environmentally Friendly: They can be more environmentally friendly in the long run, as they may reduce the need for toilet paper and have advanced features like air drying.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Each

Bidet Attachments:


  • Cost-effective option.
  • Easy installation without significant bathroom renovations.
  • Space-saving design for smaller bathrooms.


  • Limited features compared to stand-alone bidets.
  • It may provide a different level of comfort and comprehensive cleaning.

Stand-Alone Bidets:


  • Comprehensive cleaning with adjustable features.
  • Potential long-term environmental benefits.
  • High-end models may include air-drying features.


  • Requires more bathroom space and installation effort.
  • It can be more expensive upfront.

Choosing between a bidet attachment and a stand-alone bidet depends on your bathroom size, budget, and preferences. A bidet attachment might be the practical choice if space and budget are limited. However, a stand-alone bidet may be worthwhile for a more luxurious and eco-friendly experience.


In exploring bidets and their place in modern hygiene, we’ve uncovered compelling reasons to consider integrating them into your bathroom routine. Bidets offer a more thorough and hygienic cleansing experience, reducing the spread of germs and promoting better health. Furthermore, they contribute to a greener planet by minimizing the environmental impact of traditional toilet paper.

Whether you opt for a bidet attachment for its simplicity or a stand-alone bidet for its advanced features, the choice is ultimately a matter of personal preference and practicality. What remains undeniable is that bidets represent a step forward in bathroom hygiene and sustainability, offering a cleaner and more eco-friendly alternative to traditional toilet paper. So, consider switching to bidets and experience a new level of cleanliness and comfort in your daily routine.


Is toilet paper necessary when using a bidet?

While toilet paper isn’t strictly necessary when using a bidet, it’s often used for drying after cleansing. Some bidets have built-in air-drying features, reducing the need for toilet paper. The choice depends on personal preference.

How does a bidet affect personal hygiene?

Bidets significantly enhance personal hygiene by thoroughly and gently cleansing the perianal area with water. This reduces the risk of leaving behind fecal matter and minimizes the spread of germs, contributing to better hygiene.

Are there bidets with air-drying features?

Yes, many modern bidet models come equipped with air-drying features. These features use warm air to dry the cleaned area, reducing the need for toilet paper and providing a more comprehensive cleaning experience.

Can bidets help reduce environmental impact?

Yes, bidets can contribute to a reduction in environmental impact. By using water for cleansing and reducing the need for toilet paper, bidets help conserve resources, decrease deforestation, and minimize pollution associated with toilet paper production and disposal.

What factors should I consider when choosing a bidet?

Consider your bathroom size, budget, and preferences when choosing a bidet. Consider whether you prefer a bidet attachment or a stand-alone bidet and whether advanced features like adjustable water temperature and pressure are essential. Ultimately, the choice should align with your needs and comfort.