How Long Does It Take to Paint a Bathroom? A Complete Guide

Painting a bathroom can be a fun and rewarding project that can transform your space in hours. However, you may be wondering how long does it take to paint a bathroom and what factors affect the time required. This article will answer these questions and provide useful tips and advice on correctly painting a bathroom.

Factors That Affect the Time It Takes to Paint a Bathroom

The time it takes to paint a bathroom depends on several factors, such as:

The size of the bathroomThe larger the bathroom, the longer it will take to paint it. A small bathroom (around 2 square meters) may take only an hour or two, while a large bathroom (around 8 square meters) may take up to 8 hours or more.
The prep work to be doneDepending on the color and quality of your paint, you may need one or two coats of paint to achieve the desired result. A second coat of paint will add more time to your project, as you must wait for the first coat to dry completely before applying the second one.
The type of paint you chooseBefore you start painting, you need to prepare the surface of the walls and trim. This may include cleaning, sanding, filling holes, caulking, priming, and masking. The more prep work you do, the longer it will take to paint your bathroom.
The number of coats of paint neededThe larger the bathroom, the longer it will take to paint it. A small bathroom (around 2 square meters) may take only an hour or two, while a large bathroom (around 8 square meters) may take up to 8 hours or more.

How Long Does It Take to Paint an Average-Sized Bathroom?

Based on the information above, we estimate that painting an average-sized bathroom (around 4 square meters) should take about 4 to 5 hours, including prep time and a second coat of paint. However, this may vary depending on your skill level, the condition of your walls, and the drying time of your paint.

How Long Does It Take for Bathroom Paint to Dry?

Bathroom paint can take up to 48 hours to dry completely. This means avoiding using your bathroom or touching the walls until the paint is fully cured. You should also keep the windows open and use a fan or dehumidifier to speed up the drying process and prevent moisture from ruining your paint job.

How to Paint a Bathroom the Right Way

If you want to paint your bathroom yourself, here are some steps you should follow:

Gather your tools and materials:

You will need some basic tools and materials for painting your bathroom, such as:

  • Paint
  • Primer
  • Paintbrushes
  • Paint rollers
  • Paint tray
  • Painter’s tape
  • Drop cloths
  • Ladder
  • Screwdriver
  • Sandpaper
  • Filler
  • Caulk
  • Cleaning supplies

Remove any fixtures and accessories:

To make your painting job easier and neater, you should remove any fixtures and accessories from your bathroom, such as:

  • Towel bars
  • Toilet paper holders
  • Mirrors
  • Light fixtures
  • Shower curtains
  • Rugs

Trash cans You may also want to remove the toilet tank or the entire toilet if it is in the way of your painting area.

Prepare the surface:

Before applying any paint, ensure that your walls and trim surface are clean and smooth. You should:

  • Wash the walls and trim with warm water and mild detergent to remove dirt, grease, or soap scum.
  • Sand any rough or glossy areas with fine-grit sandpaper to create a smooth and even surface.
  • Fill any holes or cracks with the filler and let it dry completely.
  • Caulk any gaps or seams between the walls and trim or around the windows and doors.
  • Prime any stains or dark colors with a stain-blocking primer to prevent them from bleeding through your paint.

Mask off the areas you don’t want to paint:

To protect the areas you don’t want to paint, such as the floor, ceiling, windows, doors, and fixtures, use painter’s tape and drop cloths to cover them. You should also tape off the edges of your walls and trim to create a clean and sharp line.

Apply the first coat of paint:

Once your surface is ready, you can apply the first coat of paint. You should:

  • Stir your paint well before using it.
  • Pour some paint into a paint tray and dip your paint roller into it.
  • Start from the top of the wall and work your way down in a W-shaped pattern, overlapping each stroke slightly.
  • Use a paintbrush to cut the corners and edges of the wall and around any fixtures or obstacles.
  • Let the first coat of paint dry completely according to the manufacturer’s instructions.

Apply the second coat of paint:

If your paint requires a second coat, repeat the steps above after the first coat is dry. You should also check for missed spots or uneven areas and touch them with a paintbrush.

Remove the tape and drop cloths:

After the second coat of paint is dry, you can carefully remove the painter’s tape and drop cloths from your bathroom. You should also reinstall any fixtures and accessories you removed earlier.

Enjoy your newly painted bathroom:

Congratulations! You have successfully painted your bathroom. You can now enjoy your fresh and new look.


Painting a bathroom can be a fun and rewarding project that can transform your space in hours. However, you need to consider factors that affect the time it takes to paint a bathroom, such as the size, prep work, type of paint, and number of coats. You must also follow some steps to paint your bathroom correctly, such as preparing the surface, masking off the areas, applying the paint, and removing the tape.

We hope this article has helped you answer how long it takes to paint a bathroom and provided useful tips and advice on how to do it yourself.


What kind of paint should I use for the bathroom?

Use mildew-resistant, satin, or semi-gloss paint that can withstand moisture and is easy to clean.

How much paint do I need for the bathroom?

To calculate the amount of paint you need, measure the length and height of each wall, then multiply them to get the area. Add up the areas of all walls, then divide by the coverage of your paint.

How do I prepare the walls for painting a bathroom?

Clean the walls with a bleach and water solution or a TSP cleaner to remove dirt, grime, or mildew. Rinse and let them dry completely. Then apply painter’s tape to protect the trim, fixtures, and outlets.

How many coats of paint do I need for a bathroom?

Depending on the color and quality of your paint, you may need one or two coats of paint for a bathroom. Apply the first coat evenly with a roller or brush, then dry it for at least two hours. If needed, apply a second coat and let it dry overnight.

How do I paint behind the toilet in a bathroom?

If there is enough space between the toilet and the wall, you can use a thin sponge stick or a mini roller to paint behind the toilet. If not, you may need to remove the toilet tank or bowl to access the wall.

For more information on how to paint a bathroom, check out these helpful links: