How to Keep Your Bathroom Dry: 7 Simple and Effective Ways

Do you struggle with keeping your bathroom dry and fresh? A damp bathroom can cause many problems, such as mold, mildew, odors, stains, and damage to your walls, floors, and fixtures. Not to mention, it can also affect your health and comfort.

Keeping your bathroom dry is essential for maintaining a clean and hygienic environment. But how can you do that without spending too much time and money?

This article will show seven simple and effective ways to keep your bathroom dry and prevent moisture-related issues. Whether you have a small or large bathroom, a window or not, a fan or not, these tips will help you achieve a dry and pleasant bathroom.

Key Takeaways

  • Proper ventilation is the key to keeping your bathroom dry. Use an exhaust fan, open a window, or use a dehumidifier to remove excess moisture from the air.
  • Proper shower and bath habits can also reduce the moisture in your bathroom. Use a shower curtain, door, bath mat, or squeegee, and keep your shower and bath times short.
  • Drying surfaces after using your bathroom can prevent water from accumulating and evaporating. Wipe down countertops, sinks, mirrors, faucets, shower walls, doors, curtains, and floors with a microfiber cloth or towel.
  • Regular cleaning can prevent mold and mildew from growing in your bathroom. Use a mildew-resistant cleaner or bleach to disinfect your bathroom surfaces once a week.
  • Preventive measures can also help keep your bathroom dry. Seal any cracks or gaps in your walls, floors, or ceilings with caulk or silicone. Use waterproof paint or tiles for your bathroom walls and floors. Install a humidity sensor or timer for your fan or dehumidifier.
  • Additional tips include using plants that absorb moisture, such as ferns or orchids; using natural or artificial light to dry out your bathroom; using baking soda or vinegar to absorb odors; and using an air freshener or essential oil diffuser to add a pleasant scent to your bathroom.
  • Keeping your bathroom dry is not only beneficial for your bathroom but also for your health and well-being. A dry bathroom can prevent allergies, infections, asthma, headaches, and other respiratory problems caused by mold and mildew.

How to Keep Your Bathroom Dry: 7 Simple and Effective Ways

1. Ventilate Your Bathroom

The most important thing you can do to keep your bathroom dry is to ventilate it properly. Ventilation helps remove excess moisture and humidity from the air, preventing condensation and the growth of mold and mildew.

There are three main ways to ventilate your bathroom:

Use an Exhaust Fan

An exhaust fan is a device that extracts moist air from your bathroom and vents it outside. It is usually installed on the ceiling or wall of your bathroom.

An exhaust fan is essential for any bathroom ventilation system. It can reduce the humidity level in your bathroom by up to 90%. It can also eliminate odors and improve the air quality in your bathroom.

If you don’t have an exhaust fan in your bathroom, you should consider installing one. You need to choose a fan with the appropriate capacity for your bathroom size and follow the manufacturer’s installation instructions.

It would be best if you used your exhaust fan correctly. You should turn it on before showering or bathing and leave it on for at least 15 minutes afterward. This will ensure that all the moisture is removed from the air.

You should also clean your exhaust fan regularly. Dust and dirt can clog the fan blades and reduce their efficiency. You should remove the fan’s cover and use a vacuum cleaner or a damp cloth to clean the blades.

Open a Window

If you have a window in your bathroom, you should open it during and after showering or bathing. This will allow fresh air to circulate in your bathroom and help remove excess moisture.

However, window openings may be insufficient if the outside air is humid or cold. In that case, you may also need to use an exhaust fan.

You should also close the window when you are not using the bathroom. This will prevent insects, dust, pollen, or other pollutants from entering your bathroom.

Use a Dehumidifier

A dehumidifier is a device that reduces the amount of moisture in the air by collecting it in a tank or draining it through a hose. It is usually portable and can be placed anywhere in your bathroom.

A dehumidifier can be useful if you live in an area with high humidity or lack access to proper bathroom ventilation. It can lower the humidity level in your bathroom by up to 50%. It can also prevent mold and mildew from growing in your bathroom.

However, a dehumidifier may not be enough if your bathroom is very large or if you use a lot of hot water in your bathroom. In that case, you may also need to use an exhaust fan.

You should also choose a dehumidifier that is designed for use in bathrooms. Some dehumidifiers may not work well in humid or wet environments. You should also follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for optimal performance.

You should also empty and clean the tank or hose of your dehumidifier regularly. Water can become stagnant and breed bacteria or mold. You should also clean the filter of your dehumidifier to prevent dust and dirt from clogging it.

2. Shower and Bath Properly

How you use your shower and bath can also affect the moisture level in your bathroom. Following some simple tips, you can reduce the amount of moisture released into the air and keep your bathroom dry.

Use a Shower Curtain or Door

A shower curtain or door can help contain the water within the shower or tub, preventing it from splashing onto the floor and walls. This can reduce the overall moisture in the room.

You should choose a shower curtain or door that is waterproof and easy to clean. You should also ensure it fits well and covers the entire shower or tub area.

You should also keep your shower curtain or door closed when not using it. This will prevent moisture from escaping into the rest of the bathroom.

You should also clean your shower curtain or door regularly. Soap scum, dirt, and mold can accumulate on it, making it look dirty and smell bad. You should wash your shower curtain in the washing machine or wipe your shower door with a mild cleaner or vinegar.

Use a bathmat

A bath mat is a fabric you place outside your shower or tub to catch water droplets when you step out. It can help keep your floor dry and prevent slips and falls.

You should choose a bath mat that is absorbent, non-slip, and easy to wash. You should also ensure that it matches your bathroom’s size and style.

You should also change your bath mat regularly. A wet bath mat can become a breeding ground for bacteria, mold, and mildew. You should hang your bath mat to dry after each use and wash it in the washing machine once a week.

Squeegee Your Shower or Tub

A squeegee is a tool with a rubber blade to remove excess water from a surface. It can help reduce the amount of moisture that evaporates into the air and keep your shower or tub clean.

You should use a squeegee to remove excess water from the shower walls, door, or curtain after each use. This will prevent water spots, soap scum, mineral deposits, and mold from forming on them.

You should also use a squeegee to remove excess water from the tub after each use. This will prevent water from stagnating in the tub and causing stains, odors, or rust.

You should also clean your squeegee regularly. Dirt and bacteria can accumulate on the blade and make it less effective. After each use, rinse your squeegee with water and wipe it with a cloth or paper towel.

Keep Shower and Bath Times Short

The longer you shower or bath, the more moisture you release into the air. This can increase the humidity level in your bathroom and make it harder to dry.

You should limit the duration of your showers and baths to no more than 10 minutes. This will save water, energy, and money and reduce moisture in your bathroom.

You should also avoid filling your bathtub to the brim. The more water you use, the more moisture you create. You should fill your bathtub only halfway or less.

3. Dry Surfaces After Using Your Bathroom

After using your bathroom, dry any wet surfaces to prevent moisture from accumulating and evaporating. This can help keep your bathroom dry and fresh.

Wipe Down Countertops and Sinks

After using your sink, wipe down the countertop and sink basin with a microfiber cloth or towel. This will prevent water spots, mineral deposits, and mold from forming on them.

You should also wipe down items you store on your countertop, such as toothbrushes, soap dispensers, or cups. This will prevent them from getting wet and dirty.

Wipe Down Mirrors and Faucets

After using your mirror or faucet, wipe them down with a microfiber cloth or towel. This will prevent water spots, fingerprints, and smudges from forming on them.

You should also polish your mirror and faucet with a glass cleaner or vinegar occasionally. This will make them shine and sparkle.

Wipe Down Shower Walls, Doors, Curtains, and Floors

After using your shower or tub, you should wipe down the shower walls, door, curtain, and floor with a microfiber cloth or towel. This will prevent water from dripping and pooling on them.

You should also hang your shower curtain or door open after each use. This will allow air to circulate and dry them faster.

Wipe Down Floors

After using your bathroom, you should wipe the floor with a microfiber cloth or towel. This will prevent water from seeping into the cracks and crevices of the floor and causing damage.

You should also use a mop or a vacuum cleaner to clean your floor once a week. This will remove any dirt, dust, hair, or debris that may accumulate on the floor and make it slippery or dirty.

4. Clean Your Bathroom Regularly

Cleaning your bathroom regularly can prevent mold and mildew from growing in your bathroom. Mold and mildew are fungi that thrive in moist and dark environments. They can cause stains, odors, damage, and health problems in your bathroom.

It would be best to clean your bathroom at least once weekly with mildew-resistant cleaner or bleach. You should focus on the areas most prone to mold and mildew, such as the shower, tub, sink, toilet, walls, ceiling, and corners.

You should also use a scrub brush or a sponge to remove stubborn stains or deposits from your bathroom surfaces. You should rinse them well with water and dry them with a cloth or towel.

You should also replace any moldy or damaged items in your bathroom, such as shower curtains, towels, rugs, or mats. You should wash them with bleach or vinegar in hot water or throw them away if they are beyond repair.

5. Seal Any Cracks or Gaps

Sealing any cracks or gaps in your bathroom can prevent moisture from entering or escaping your bathroom. Moisture can seep into the cracks or gaps and cause damage to your walls, floors, ceilings, or fixtures. It can also create an entry point for insects, rodents, or other pests.

You should seal any cracks or gaps in your bathroom with caulk or silicone. You should apply the caulk or silicone along the edges of the cracks or gaps and smooth it out with a spatula or a finger. You should let it dry completely before using your bathroom.

You should also check for leaks in your pipes, faucets, showerheads, or toilets. Leaks can waste water and increase the humidity level in your bathroom. You should fix any leaks as soon as possible by tightening the connections, replacing the washers, or calling a plumber.

6. Use Waterproof Materials

Using waterproof materials for your bathroom walls and floors can prevent moisture from penetrating and damaging them. Waterproof materials can also resist stains, odors, mold, and mildew.

You should use waterproof paint or tiles for your bathroom walls and floors. You should choose a paint or tile suitable for wet areas and follow the manufacturer’s instructions for application and maintenance.

You should also use waterproof grout or sealant for the joints between the tiles. Apply the grout or sealant evenly and wipe off any excess with a damp cloth. You should let it cure completely before using your bathroom.

You should also install a humidity sensor or timer for your fan or dehumidifier. A humidity sensor or timer can automatically turn on or off your fan or dehumidifier based on the humidity level in your bathroom. This can save energy and money and keep your bathroom dry.

7. Use Additional Tips

There are some additional tips that you can use to keep your bathroom dry and fresh. These tips include:

Use Plants That Absorb Moisture

Plants can help reduce the humidity level in your bathroom by absorbing moisture from the air through their leaves. They can also purify the air by removing toxins and pollutants. They can also add beauty and life to your bathroom.

However, not all plants are suitable for bathrooms. Choosing plants that tolerate low light, high humidity, and temperature fluctuations would be best. Some of the best bathroom plants are ferns, orchids, peace lilies, snakes, spiders, and bamboo.

You should also take care of your plants properly. You should water them only when the soil is dry to avoid overwatering them. You should also prune them regularly to remove any dead or diseased leaves. You should also clean their leaves with a damp cloth to remove dust or dirt.

Use Natural or Artificial Light

Light can help dry out your bathroom by evaporating moisture from the surfaces. It can also prevent mold and mildew from growing by inhibiting their spores.

You should use natural light whenever possible by opening windows or skylights in your bathroom. Natural light can also improve your mood and well-being by boosting your serotonin levels.

However, you can use artificial light instead if you don’t have access to natural light in your bathroom. You should use bright and warm light bulbs that mimic natural light. You should also install recessed lights or wall sconces that illuminate all corners of your bathroom.

Use Baking Soda or Vinegar

Baking soda or vinegar can help absorb odors and moisture from your bathroom. They can also neutralize the pH level and kill bacteria and mold in your bathroom.

You can use baking soda or vinegar in different ways, such as:

  • Sprinkle baking soda on your carpet, rug, or mat, and let it sit for a few hours. Then, vacuum it up to remove any odors and moisture.
  • Mix baking soda and water to make a paste and apply it to any stains or deposits on your bathroom surfaces. Let it sit for a few minutes, then scrub it off with a brush or sponge.
  • Pour vinegar into a spray bottle on your shower walls, door, curtain, or tub. Let it sit for a few minutes, then rinse it with water.
  • Fill a small bowl with vinegar and place it in your bathroom. The vinegar will absorb any odors and moisture from the air.

Use an Air Freshener or Essential Oil Diffuser

An air freshener or essential oil diffuser can help add a pleasant scent to your bathroom. They can also mask any unpleasant odors that may linger in your bathroom.

You can use an air freshener or essential oil diffuser in different ways, such as:

  • Spray an air freshener on your bathroom surfaces, curtains, towels, or mats. You can choose an air freshener with a fragrance that matches your bathroom’s theme.
  • Place an essential oil diffuser in your bathroom and add a few drops of your favorite essential oil. You can choose an essential oil with a scent or therapeutic benefits, such as lavender, peppermint, lemon, or eucalyptus.
  • Make your own air freshener or essential oil diffuser by combining water, alcohol, and oils in a spray bottle or a jar. You can customize the scent and the strength of your homemade air freshener or essential oil diffuser.


Keeping your bathroom dry is not only beneficial for your bathroom but also for your health and well-being. A dry bathroom can prevent allergies, infections, asthma, headaches, and other respiratory problems caused by mold and mildew.

By following these seven simple and effective ways to keep your bathroom dry, you can achieve a clean and hygienic environment in your bathroom. You can also enjoy a comfortable and relaxing experience in your bathroom.

We hope you found this article helpful and informative.