How to Protect Bathroom From Earthworms

Finding earthworms in your bathroom can be an unsettling experience. While they are harmless, the sight of them wriggling around your shower or sink is enough to make your skin crawl. You can use several effective methods to keep protect the bathroom from earthworms.

What Attracts Earthworms to Bathrooms?

Before learning how to protect your bathroom from earthworms, it helps to understand what attracts them there in the first place. Here are some of the main reasons earthworms may find their way inside your home and into your bathroom:


Earthworms need moist environments to survive. Bathrooms are damp, especially around sinks, tubs, and showers. The moisture in these areas draws earthworms in from the outside.

Food Sources

Earthworms feed on decaying organic matter. They may be attracted to bathrooms due to hair, skin cells, and soap scum accumulating in drains or bathroom floors. These provide a food source for the worms.


Bathrooms offer plenty of small, dark spaces for earthworms to hide and take shelter in, like under cabinets or behind toilets and pipes. This makes bathrooms appealing to shelter sites.

Cracks and Crevices

Earthworms can easily squeeze through cracks or openings along the bathroom walls, flooring, or baseboards, seeking food and moisture. Sealing these up is key for keeping worms out.

Now that you know what makes bathrooms vulnerable to earthworm infiltration, let’s explore your options for protecting yours.

Effective Ways to Worm-Proof Your Bathroom

Fortunately, you can use several straightforward DIY methods to make your bathroom unappealing and inaccessible to earthworms. Here are some of the top techniques:

Install Door Sweeps

One of the easiest ways worms can enter bathrooms is under the door. Installing door sweeps along the bottom seals the gap between the door and the floor. This blocks worms from being able to squeeze their way in. Sweeps are inexpensive and easy for anyone to install.

Seal All Cracks and Crevices

Inspect your bathroom carefully and seal up any cracks, crevices, or openings you find around pipes, windows, baseboards, walls, and cabinets. Use caulk designed for bathrooms as it withstands moisture well. This gives worms no entry points.

Repair Leaky Faucets and Pipes

Dripping faucets or leaking pipes create ideal damp conditions for earthworms. Stay on top of repairs to eliminate excess moisture. Consider replacing old fixtures and supply lines to prevent future leaks.

Improve Bathroom Ventilation

Proper ventilation reduces humidity in your bathroom. Make sure to run exhaust fans during and after showering. Keeping a dehumidifier in your bathroom can also help maintain lower moisture levels.

Clean Drains Regularly

Drains with built-up gunk provide food for worms. Use drain cleaner monthly to clear away debris. Cover drains with strainers when not in use. This starves worms by removing their food source.

Remove Clutter

Clutter gives worms places to hide. Keep counters clear and organize items in cabinets. Never allow wet towels or mats to sit on the floor. Removing clutter leaves fewer spots for worms.

Fill Gaps Around Plumbing

If your pipes or toilet base have gaps around them, seal these up with caulk. Worms can otherwise use these openings to travel from drains into your bathroom. Apply new caulk if the old sealant cracks.

Install Mesh Strainers

Cover all bathroom drain and pipe openings with fine mesh strainers for protection. The openings are small enough to keep worms out while allowing water to pass through. Just be sure to clean regularly.

Keep Bathroom Dry

Quickly sop up water on floors or counters after bathing or using the sink. Never allow puddles to sit. Dry bath mats outside to prevent mildew growth. Removing all moisture deters worms from seeking dampness.

Earthworm Prevention Tips for Bathroom Features

In addition to the general approaches above, there are also some specific steps you can take to worm-proof key areas of your bathroom:

Showers and Tubs

  • Use silicone caulk to seal around the tub and shower trim. Reapply whenever cracked or peeling.
  • Install a tub and/or shower drain cover to prevent worm entry.
  • Squeeze bathmats dry and hang them outside the shower to fully dry. Never leave damp mats on the floor.


  • Dispose of food waste in the trash rather than the sink to avoid buildup.
  • Place sink strainers in all drains to catch hair and debris.
  • Check under the sink for openings in the cabinet and seal with caulk.


  • Replace cracked toilet wax ring seals around the toilet base.
  • Apply new caulk around the bottom of the toilet if gaps are present.
  • Keep toilet bowls clean and sanitized to deter worms.

Windows and Doors

  • Ensure bathroom windows are shut tightly. Caulk around frames if needed.
  • Install weather stripping beneath the bathroom door to seal the gap on the floor.
  • Keep the door closed as much as possible to limit worm access.


  • Seal all seams and edges if you have vinyl bathroom flooring.
  • For tiled floors, apply fresh grout anywhere missing or cracked.
  • Use rugs sparingly. Constantly remove and clean them.

Signs of an Earthworm Infestation

While finding an occasional earthworm in your bathroom can happen, an infestation demands immediate action. Be on the lookout for these signs:

  • Multiple earthworms, both dead and alive, around drains or showers.
  • Earthworms are visible crawling on bathroom walls and floors.
  • Damaged or eaten organic matter like soap, hair, and tissues.
  • Presence of worm castings (droppings). These look like mini dirt clumps.
  • Visible worm burrows in caulk, grout, or tile edges.
  • Drains back up easily due to worms and waste clogging pipes.

If you observe any of these, inspect all areas thoroughly and take steps to make your bathroom as uninhabitable for worms as possible. Getting an infestation under control quickly is key.

Effective Ways to Get Rid of Earthworms

If worms have already made themselves at home in your bathroom, here are some smart techniques to eliminate them:

Flush with Boiling Water

Pour boiling water down infested drains to instantly kill worms inside pipes. The heat also helps clear any clogs.

Use Drain Cleaners

Look for drain cleaner products containing acid, bleach, or enzyme cleansers specifically formulated to dissolve organic waste buildup. This destroys worm food sources.

Apply Diatomaceous Earth

Sprinkle this abrasive, chalky powder along baseboards and damp areas. It will dry out and kill worms upon contact.

Install a UV Light Drain Sanitizer

These devices shine a UV light inside pipes to sterilize and kill bacteria, worms, and larvae lurking in your drains.

Use Natural Repellents

Worm-deterring options include sprinkling coffee grounds, chilli powder, or salt in infested areas. You can also place cut onion slices near drains.

Contact a Professional

For severe infestations or inaccessible areas, contact a pest control professional. They have commercial-grade solutions and equipment.

Once the worms are gone, be vigilant about maintaining your prevention measures. This keeps new worms from invading again in the future.

The Takeaway: Protect Your Bathroom from Earthworms

While finding earthworms in your bathroom can certainly be creepy, there are many simple and effective ways to deter them from entering and to eradicate any that sneak in. Focus on eliminating access, food sources, moisture, and hiding places.

Quickly address any signs of infestation. And above all, ensure your bathroom is as dry as possible. Following these tips will help make your bathroom a no-worms zone!


Why do earthworms come into the bathroom?

Earthworms enter the bathroom because they are attracted to moisture and organic matter. They can enter through cracks, gaps, pipes, or vents.

How do I get rid of earthworms in the bathroom?

You can protect earthworms in the bathroom using detergent, salt, vinegar, baking soda, bleach, lime, or petroleum jelly. You can also use insecticides or call a pest control professional.

How do I protect earthworms from coming back into the bathroom?

You can protect bathroom earthworms from returning to the bathroom by keeping them clean and dry. You should seal any holes or cracks, use a dehumidifier, and install a drain trap.

Are earthworms harmful to humans or pets?

Earthworms are not harmful to humans or pets but can carry bacteria or parasites that can cause infections or allergies. You should avoid touching them or letting them contact your skin or food.

Can I use earthworms for composting or gardening?

Yes, you can use earthworms for composting or gardening, as they help to break down organic waste and enrich the soil. You can collect them from your bathroom and transfer them to a worm bin or a garden bed.
