Is It OK to Wallpaper a Bathroom?

Wallpaper is a great way to add some personality and style to your bathroom. Wallpaper can transform the look and feel of your bathroom, making it more cozy, elegant, or fun. Wallpaper can also cover up any imperfections or flaws on your walls, such as cracks, stains, or holes.

But is it OK to wallpaper a bathroom? Does wallpaper work well in a humid and wet environment? And what are the best types of wallpaper for a bathroom? In this article, we’ll answer these questions and more. We’ll also share some tips on how to choose, install, and maintain wallpaper in your bathroom.

The Pros and Cons of Wallpapering a Bathroom

Wallpapering a bathroom has some advantages and disadvantages. Let’s take a look at them.


  • Variety: Wallpaper comes in a wide range of colors, patterns, textures, and styles that can suit any bathroom decor. You can find wallpaper that matches your theme, mood, or personality. You can also mix and match different wallpaper designs to create a unique and creative look.
  • Durability: Wallpaper can last for a long time if it is properly installed and maintained. Wallpaper can resist fading, peeling, or tearing. It can also protect your walls from moisture, mold, and mildew.
  • Easy to change: Wallpaper is easy to change if you want to update your bathroom or try a new look. You can easily remove wallpaper by using a steamer or a solvent. You can also paint over wallpaper if you prefer a solid color.


  • Cost: Wallpaper can be expensive, depending on the quality, design, and size of the wallpaper. You may also need to hire a professional to install it for you, which can add to the cost. According to [HomeAdvisor], the average cost of wallpaper installation ranges from $283 to $733, while the average cost of wallpaper removal ranges from $448 to $1,101.
  • Difficulty: Wallpaper can be difficult to install, especially if you have a small or irregular-shaped bathroom. You need to measure the walls accurately, cut the wallpaper precisely, align the seams correctly, and smooth out any bubbles or wrinkles. You also need to deal with obstacles like windows, doors, outlets, or pipes.
  • Damage: Wallpaper can be damaged by water, steam, heat, or humidity if it is not waterproof or moisture-resistant. Water can seep through the edges or seams of the wallpaper and cause it to peel off or bubble up. Steam can make the wallpaper lose its adhesion or curl up. Heat can make the wallpaper shrink or expand. Humidity can make the wallpaper moldy or mildewy.

How to Choose Wallpaper for Bathroom

If you decide to wallpaper your bathroom, you need to choose the right type of wallpaper for your needs. Here are some tips on how to choose wallpaper for your bathroom:

  • Check the label: Not all wallpaper is suitable for bathrooms. Some wallpaper is more prone to water damage than others. To avoid potential problems, you should check the label of the wallpaper and look for terms like “waterproof”, “water-resistant”, “vinyl-coated”, or “solid vinyl”. These terms indicate that the wallpaper has a protective layer that prevents water from penetrating the surface or core layers.
  • Choose a suitable design: Your wallpaper should match your bathroom’s theme and mood. For example, you can choose wallpaper with soft colors and patterns if you want a relaxing and soothing atmosphere. If you want a bright and cheerful look, choose wallpaper with bold colors and patterns. You can also experiment with different styles, such as floral, geometric, striped, or abstract.
  • Pick a suitable size: The size of your wallpaper should fit the size and shape of your walls. You should measure the height and width of your walls and calculate how many rolls of wallpaper you need. You should also consider how much waste or excess you will have when cutting the wallpaper to fit around obstacles like windows or doors. You should buy extra rolls of wallpaper in case you make mistakes or need repairs.

How to Install Wallpaper in Bathroom

If you plan to install wallpaper in your bathroom yourself, here are some tips on how to do it properly:

  • Prepare the walls: The walls should be clean, dry, smooth, and even before installing wallpaper. Using a scraper or steamer, you should remove any existing wallpaper, paint, or wall covering. It would be best if you also filled in any cracks or holes using spackle or caulk. You should sand any rough spots using sandpaper or an electric sander. You should wipe off any dust or debris using a damp cloth or a vacuum cleaner.
  • Apply primer: Primer is a type of paint that prepares the walls for wallpaper installation. It helps the wallpaper stick better and prevents stains from bleeding through. It also makes it easier to remove wallpaper in the future. You should apply primer using a roller or a brush, covering the entire wall evenly. You should let the primer dry completely before applying wallpaper.
  • Hang wallpaper: Wallpaper is usually sold in rolls that have a standard width of 20.5 inches and a variable length of 11 to 33 feet. You should cut the wallpaper into strips that are slightly longer than the height of your walls, leaving some extra for trimming. You should start from one corner of the room and work your way across, aligning the wallpaper with the ceiling and the wall. You should apply wallpaper paste or adhesive to the back of the wallpaper using a brush or a roller, or use pre-pasted wallpaper that only needs water to activate. You should smooth out any bubbles or wrinkles using a plastic smoother or a sponge. You should trim any excess wallpaper using a utility knife or scissors.

How to Maintain Wallpaper in Bathroom

To keep your wallpaper in good condition and extend its lifespan, here are some tips on how to maintain it:

  • Clean regularly: To keep your wallpaper clean and fresh, you should wipe it with a damp cloth or sponge using mild soap and water. You should avoid using harsh chemicals, abrasive cleaners, or steam cleaners that can damage the surface or core layers of your wallpaper. You should also dry your wallpaper thoroughly after cleaning to prevent mold and mildew growth.
  • Protect from water: To protect your wallpaper from water damage, you should seal the edges or seams of your wallpaper using clear silicone caulk or waterproof tape. You should also avoid splashing water on your wallpaper or leaving it wet for too long. You should use a shower curtain or a glass door to prevent water from reaching your wallpaper. You should also use an exhaust fan or open a window to reduce humidity and condensation.
  • Repair minor damages: If your wallpaper gets scratched, torn, or stained, you can use a repair kit or a touch-up pen that matches the color and texture of your wallpaper. You can also use wallpaper patches or stickers to cover up small holes or gaps. If your wallpaper gets severely damaged or peeling, you may need to replace the affected strips or sections.


Wallpapering a bathroom is a great way to add some personality and style to your bathroom. Wallpaper can transform the look and feel of your bathroom, making it more cozy, elegant, or fun. Wallpaper can also cover up any imperfections or flaws on your walls.

However, wallpapering a bathroom also has some drawbacks. Wallpaper can be expensive, difficult, and damaging if it is not suitable for bathrooms. Wallpaper can be affected by water, steam, heat, or humidity if it is not waterproof or moisture-resistant.

To wallpaper your bathroom properly, you need to choose the right type of wallpaper for your needs, install it properly with primer and sealer, and maintain it regularly with cleaning and protection.

We hope this article has helped you learn more about how to wallpaper your bathroom and how to do it effectively. If you have any questions or comments, feel free to leave them below. We would love to hear from you!